Workshops & Courses

Autumn Equinox: Yoga and Cacao with Lucy Steel

Autumn Equinox: Yoga and Cacao with Lucy Steel

Embrace the Autumn Equinox: A Journey of Reflection and Balance As autumn arrives, the earth invites us into a season of reflection, balance, and grounding. Join us for an experience designed to help you connect with the wisdom of the earth and align with the energies of the season.

Lucy will guide you through a heart-opening cacao ceremony, a sacred ritual known for its ability to deepen our connection to ourselves and the earth. The ceremony will set the tone for an equinox-inspired yoga practice that weaves together the elements and energies of autumn.

Through mindful movement, you'll embark on a journey both around your mat and within yourself, awakening your autumn energy and embracing the transition of the season. This nourishing practice is a beautiful opportunity to ground yourself, find balance, and continue living in harmony with the rhythms of nature.

What to Expect:

Cacao Ceremony: Open your heart and connect deeply with your inner self.

Equinox-Inspired Yoga: Flow through movements designed to balance and ground your energy, reflecting the essence of autumn.

Meditation and Reflection: Take time to honour the season's transition and set intentions for the months ahead.

Come with an open heart and leave feeling rejuvenated, centered, and aligned with the natural world. This event is non- refundable, please double check the date before booking.

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Inner Alchemy Yin Workshop

Inner Alchemy Yin Workshop

A workshop diving in to sweetening the transition from late summer in to Autumn through the lens of Yin Yoga with Guided Journaling, Meditation and Yoga Nidra.

This workshop will offer a welcome circle, guided journalling and context of Yin Yoga and the Chinese Five Elements, we'll be working with the elements Earth and Metal.

This workshop is non-refundable, please double check the date before booking.

Please Bring with you: A journal/ notebook & something to write with for guided journalling.

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Well Women’s Yoga Workshop with Jo

Well Women’s Yoga Workshop with Jo

This nourishing monthly class, around the time of new moon, is an opportunity to take time out from busy lives and come home to the peace within ourselves honouring our own cycles. This 2 hour class begins with a sharing circle and flows gently through meditation, breath practice, somatic movement, yoga postures, yoga nidra and relaxation, and is open to all women, no particular experience is needed.

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Rising: Well Women Yoga with Jo Bolton (Copy)

Rising: Well Women Yoga with Jo Bolton (Copy)

This nourishing monthly class, around the time of new moon, is an opportunity to take time out from busy lives and come home to the peace within ourselves honouring our own cycles. This 2 hour class begins with a sharing circle and flows gently through meditation, breath practice, somatic movement, yoga postures, yoga nidra and relaxation, and is open to all women, no particular experience is needed.

There will be a long relaxation, so please bring any extra blankets or warmer clothes that may make you even more comfortable.

This event is non-refundable.

For this event we have created pricing tiers to be as inclusive as we can. If you are paying more for the class, you will be supporting someone who may not be able to afford it otherwise. Please select your tier below.

Please note this event is not refundable.

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Summer Solstice Cacao Celebration

Summer Solstice Cacao Celebration

Summer Solstice Cacao Saturday 22nd June 5-7.30pm

Embrace the magic of the Summer Solstice. Awaken your spirit, ignite your intentions, and celebrate the light within and around you, connecting deeply with your inner self and the natural rhythms of the Earth.

Workshop Highlights:

•⁠ ⁠Cacao Ceremony: Beginning with a heart-opening cacao ceremony. Sip on this sacred, ceremonial-grade cacao as we set our intentions for the solstice, fostering a sense of community and connection.

•⁠ ⁠Fire Mandala Yoga Flow: Engage in a dynamic and meditative yoga practice. This powerful flow, suitable for all levels, harnesses the energy of the solstice to ignite your inner fire, enhance creativity, and bring balance.

•⁠ ⁠Yoga Nidra & Meditation After our yoga practice, enjoy a guided meditation and deep rest to deepen your connection to the solstice energies and to embrace balance.

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Rising: Well Women Yoga with Jo Bolton

Rising: Well Women Yoga with Jo Bolton

This nourishing monthly class, around the time of new moon, is an opportunity to take time out from busy lives and come home to the peace within ourselves honouring our own cycles. This 2 hour class begins with a sharing circle and flows gently through meditation, breath practice, somatic movement, yoga postures, yoga nidra and relaxation, and is open to all women, no particular experience is needed.

There will be a long relaxation, so please bring any extra blankets or warmer clothes that may make you even more comfortable.

This event is non-refundable.

For this event we have created pricing tiers to be as inclusive as we can. If you are paying more for the class, you will be supporting someone who may not be able to afford it otherwise. Please select your tier below.

Please note this event is not refundable.

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Inner Alchemy: Yin Yoga Workshop with Emily Osborne

Inner Alchemy: Yin Yoga Workshop with Emily Osborne

This 2 hour workshop will explore a deep dive into Yin Yoga though the lens of Chinese medicine, and offer a space to learn more about the Chinese elements and meridians with an experiential and nourishing practice.

In the time of blooming spring, this first workshop of a series, will focus on the element of Wood which exemplifies the energy of growth and change. We’ll start with discussion, and experiential practice followed by some guided journalling.

If you’re interested in the healing and therapeutic elements of Yin Yoga, and also LOVE slowing down with yin classes and going {Y}inwards, this is for you! No Yoga experience is required to join the workshop.

£25 / 10% discount for Studio Members


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Functional Flow with Lucy Steel

Functional Flow with Lucy Steel

If you've been to my energise Flow you'll know I like to explore our capabilities and build upon that. Our bodies are designed to move in specific ways, but the modern lifestyle has made us more sedentary. However, by incorporating natural, multi-planar movement into our daily routine, we can strengthen our bodies and improve our overall health. In practicing the functional flow, you'll engage both your muscles and your mind, building your mind-body connection and coordination.

Developing the habit of checking in with your posture, mobility, and strength every day with a playful approach, essential for our mental wellbeing, whilst on a journey towards a healthier, stronger body.

Join me for a workshop in this unique practice that incorporates yoga, pilates, mindful movements, functional movement, and primal elements, all connected by the breath. This workshop is non-refundable.

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Flow Dance Meditation

Flow Dance Meditation

Explore movement and meditation in a dynamic fun new way as you are invited to let our music & words guide you on a journey that can CONNECT you more deeply with yourself, MOVE & shift your energy, so you can RELEASE what isn’t serving you & find your own unique FLOW.

This conscious movement program is a vehicle for embodiment, raising consciousness and encouraging self expression and discovery through guided free flowing movement.

Book Here

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Flow Dance Meditation

Flow Dance Meditation

Join Bethany Maguire for Flow Dance Meditation.

Explore movement and meditation in a dynamic fun new way as you are invited to let our music & words guide you on a journey that can CONNECT you more deeply with yourself, MOVE & shift your energy, so you can RELEASE what isn’t serving you & find your own unique FLOW.

This conscious movement program is a vehicle for embodiment, raising consciousness and encouraging self expression and discovery through guided free flowing movement. Everyone welcome.

£15 / 10% discount for studio members

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Finding Flight Arm Balance Workshop

Finding Flight Arm Balance Workshop

Join Emily on a Journey to finding flight!

This Level 2 arm balance workshop is focused on asana and alignment & will give you some tools to help find flight in those more playful yoga poses.

Learn to transition gracefully while connecting to your body and having fun, of course! We'll break down the foundations of balancing and play with Bakasana (Crow), Parsva Bakasana (side crow) and Eka Pada Galavasana (Flying Pigeon).

Spaces are limited so that we have space to explore and work in a hands on way.

ps. Level 2 means having a good grasp of foundational yoga poses like Plank, 'a vinyasa', twists and warriors, having strong foundations is the key to finding flight!

£25/ £20 for studio members

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Yoga, Tea & Tarot

Yoga, Tea & Tarot

Our next social is in the studio! Join us for a feel-good Friday flow followed by tea, chats and tarot cards (and other cards!). Along with just hanging out in the studio with a lovely bunch of yogis!

Bring yourself, your favourite snacks and any mystical card decks you have!

It's free to Join!

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Yoga and Painting

Yoga and Painting

Friday 24th March 7-9pm

Yoga and Painting Workshop Unlock your inner creativity!

Join Emily and Laura from Be Artful, for an evening of Yoga and Painting.

The workshop will begin with Emily leading meditation & yoga to inspire creativity followed by a mindful painting workshop with Laura. All materials and equipment is provided.

£30 10% off for Studio Monthly Members

Laura Diamond is an Artist and Art Teacher based in Durham and leads art workshops and classes all over the North East. "We are, ourselves, creations. And we, in turn, are meant to continue creativity by being creative ourselves." - Julia Cameron The workshop will begin with Emily leading yoga to inspire and unlock you inner creativity followed by a botanical themed painting workshop lead by Laura.

All materials and equipment are provided. £30 10% discount for Studio Monthly Members

Cancellation Policy

This workshop is non-refundable if you cancel less than 48 hours before the workshop.

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Spring Equinox Extended Practice with Audrey: 108 Sun Salutatations

Spring Equinox Extended Practice with Audrey: 108 Sun Salutatations

Join Audrey for an equinox celebration of 108 Sun Salutations.

Practicing 108 sun salutations during the change of seasons can create a clearing in the body and a space to invite in intention & practice for a new season.

Audrey will guide you through 12 sets of 9 salutations, breaks in between and as always, you're more than welcome to go at your own pace and there will be modifications given. Whether you complete at 108 or 18, it's the taking part that counts :)

Sun Salutations build heat, warming the body & creating an upward flow of energy through the body, this is known as Prana, a lifeforce.

108 is a significant number in yoga and astrology:

-The number 108 appears in ancient, sacred texts. For example, there are 108 Upanishads and 108 Tantras

-In numerology, 108 equals 9, which symbolises universal love, eternity and awakening

-In astronomy, the distance between the Sun and Earth is roughly 108 times the Sun’s diameter.

-Mala bead necklaces have 108 beads, which are used to count during meditation.

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Connection: 5 Rhythms Year Group with Rachel Kurtz

Connection: 5 Rhythms Year Group with Rachel Kurtz

A Dancing dive into levels of relationship spanning 2023. 5 Rhythms conscious dance is for every body, regardless of ability, age, belief, gender, heritage or any other category of separation. It’s a profound, transformational practice for personal growth.

Date & Structure

Saturdays 6.30pm-9.30pm

Sundays 10.30-5pm

Flowing- 4 & 5th February-Connection to self

Staccato- 15 & 16 April- Connection to other

Chaos- 8 & 9th July- Connection to Tribe

Lyrical- 23rd-24th September- Connection to Planet

Stillness- 2nd&3rd December Connection to Spirit

Price £375

Solidarity Payments can be made to enable less affluent dancers to attend. Please contact Rachel if you have a strong call to join the group, but do not have the means to pay full price- some bursaries are available.

Subject to availability, Saturday nights will be available to drop in dancers. Sundays will be just for year group participants.

Each weekend will include time to settle in and explore the theme to develop practical, personalised strategies for strengthening our capacity within the various levels of connection.

About Rachel

“I completed the 5 Rhythms training with Gabrielle in 2001 and ran a weekly class in Newcastle upon Tyne and occasional workshops for more than 10 years while her daughters were growing up. At the same time I co-founded the Bare Toed Dance Company,  teaching and performing movement and aerial dance for children and families in the north east of England.

My 5 Rhythms work draws strongly on neuroscience and a variety of creative disciplines - in longer workshops I often use paint, writing, music and other media. I also love to work in nature. I am particularly interested in levels of relationship, shadow work and supporting deep transformation through regular practice.”

For more information about 5 rhythms click here:

How to book:

Email Rachel:

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Yoga & Painting

Yoga & Painting

Yoga and Painting Workshop

Unlock your inner creativity! Join Emily and Laura from Be Artful, for an evening of Yoga and Painting. 

Saturday 28th January 5-7.30pm

The workshop will begin with Emily leading meditation & yoga to inspire creativity followed by a botanical themed mindful painting workshop with Laura.

 All materials and equipment is provided. 


10% off for Studio Monthly Members

Laura Diamond is an Artist and Art Teacher based in Durham and leads art workshops and classes all over the North East.

"We are, ourselves, creations. And we, in turn, are meant to continue creativity by being creative ourselves."

- Julia Cameron

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Embracing Darkness, A soulful Winter Programme with Dr Jessi Komes
to Dec 2

Embracing Darkness, A soulful Winter Programme with Dr Jessi Komes

Embracing Darkness.

Days are shorter in winter time and in the colder season, darkness dominates. It is a time of withdrawal, energy seemingly dormant. Yet so much is happening underneath the surface. Nature changing provides us with gentle guidance about what is needed for inner processes, growth and unfolding. Yes, it does - We are nature! Yet sometimes we feel alienated from this deeper identity, and the gifts of nature and darkness in particular. We may need a reminder of the potential that darkness offers.

Life grows in the dark - roots, seeds, babies. Darkness is where potential resides and with it the promise of deep connection and aliveness. The winter qualities may serve as an invitation to (re-)visit, perhaps re-member parts of ourselves, which are rather secluded, enfolded. Though there may well be some unease about the less familiar aspects of ourselves, our hidden parts, the enfolded potential are an infinite reservoir of energy - light and darkness seek and need each other - they dance with each other like the in- and outbreath ebb and flow.

This four-month winter programme combines ancient Eastern Yoga Philosophy and Western Psychology to serve the unfolding of inner potential, unlocking energy for more choice in relating and responding consciously and creatively to the possibilities that this life has on offer. The programme intends to deepen the experience of aliveness and connectedness with ourselves and others by encouraging encounters within and without with sheer openness and a steady, caring presence. 

“Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them...Life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves” (Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Love in the Time of Cholera)

The programme is created to guide you through the darker months of the year. The testimonials of participants from last year speak to the power of the course, in terms of content, commitment and community:

“I have always found mindfulness/ meditation exercises quite difficult, so I found this aspect of the course hard, but really helpful in the long run: I get a lot more from meditation - and from yoga generally - having done this course.”

- Roisin, Studio Member

The whole journey was utterly transformational. An invitation to explore more of ouur own depth and richness, and to fully embody the seasons gifts”

- Katy, Pelvic Health Physiotherapist & Women’s Coach

“The embracing darkness course felt like a wonderful journey of self exploration. It helped me to connect with just being and experiencing as opposed to always doing. A tonic to busy life. It was a safe supportive environment, meeting beautiful like minded people” - Stacey, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist


Module 1: Manipura/Navel Chakra: Doing in the world - How do we experience our agency and personal power, negotiate boundaries and interpersonal space.

Module 2: Anahata/Heart Chakra: Being in (but not of) the world - Opening to Paradox: Individuality and Universality, Aloneness and Connectedness

Module 3: Svadhisthana/Sacral and Vishuddha/Throat Chakra: Receptivity & Sensuality: Co-Creating and Flowing with life

Module 4: Muladhara/Base, Forehead/Ajna and Sahasrara/Crown Chakra: Manifesting Potential: Authentic Self expression

Who is the course for?

The course is designed for self development and to deepen your yoga/meditation practice through an understanding of (yogic) Psychology. It also suits professional development, especially if you are a yoga teacher or if you are working with individuals or groups in wellness or health care settings and would like to deepen your understanding of the mind-body connection. Facilitating embodied change means to draw on the body to support mental well-being. Most people live out of core believes, i.e. mindsets and emotions about oneself, which can be painfully limiting. Those are set-up pre-verbally and are deeply embodied. Hence, working with the bodily felt experiences is very powerful and often even more pivotal than relying on insight, thought processes and awareness.

What’s included?

5 x Friday night in-person workshops


Running: 25th November, 2nd December, 6th and 20th of January and 3rd of February.

Each session includes movement, breath work & meditation. The last session is designed as a closing ceremony.

Materials for self-practice including short meditation audio recordings and yoga video clips as well as handouts to deepen your experience of the programme and enrich it with guided reflective practice.

A 90min online session gentle movement and guided meditation followed by a check-in as an opportunity to share experiences mid-programme. Online date TBC.

A 30min one-to-one online consultation with Jessi – this is a genuine offer to explore on a more private basis any issues you encounter during this journey. Sessions will be scheduled individually.

About Jessi:

As a researching psychologist at Newcastle University, Dr Jessi Komes leads on projects concerning yoga and mindfulness and its role for mental health and wellbeing. As a practicing counsellor and psychotherapist, she integrates ideas from Yoga Philosophy and mindfulness practices into her practice with clients.

Jessi’s Yoga comes from a place of heartfelt authenticity, inspired by her own negotiations with life and by her many teachers and mentors across the globe. Yoga and Meditation are a way of coming home to herself helping her to express her being in gracious connection with others.



£205 early bird discount (book before 19th November)

£225 for Members of The Durham Yoga Studio

Cancellation Policy

The Course is non-transferable or refundable. Please check the dates before booking. 

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