Choose from our range of classes

Soul Flow

A 60 minute vinyasa flow. This class is uniquely sequenced & great for a full body stretch, mindful movement, finding both freedom and support. You will leave feeling blissfully relaxed AND energised. This class is suitable for all levels, but if you’re brand new to yoga we’d recommend trying a Mellow Flow first!

Mellow Flow

A Slow Flow class exploring foundational yoga poses in a accessibly paced flow with plenty of time for relaxation too.

A beginner friendly class.


Yin Yoga is an opportunity to restore and relax in a practice of creating long held postures. You’ll be guided into a handful of poses throughout the class, holding for 3-5 minutes. Based on Chinese medicine, Yin stimulates energy flow in our meridians and energy channels and is an opportunity to restore and rejuvenate our nervous system.

Energise Flow

Inspired by functional movement and pilates, this active yoga class will energise and strengthen your body throughout a creatively sequenced flow.

Expect to feel your muscles work while building heat.


This 75 min Gentle Somatic Yoga class flows gently through breath practice, Somatic Movement Education, Yoga postures, Yoga Nidra and relaxation. A perfect way to create movement and balance in those areas in the body experiencing stiffness. You will leave feeling nourished and reconnected to your whole being.

Suitable for all ages & genders.

A beginner friendly class.

One to One Yoga

If you’re thinking about investing a little bit deeper in to our yoga practice, a one-to-one session, or a series of one to one’s may be for you.

If you’re looking to work with something in particular, or you’ll be working within your own class tailored to your specific needs.

Whether you are a beginner, or would like to expand your current practice, please get in touch if this is something you’re interested in.

Email us to explore pricing: